Monday, October 18, 2010

Buddhist College UK

We are writing to formally invite you to the launch ceremony of the Buddhist College, U.K. which will initially be run from Scotland commencing September 2011.

The College has been set up to celebrate the 2,600 year anniversary of the enlightenment of Buddha in conjunction with the University of Buddhism and Pali based in Sri Lanka and the University of Glasgow here in Scotland.

The College will be formally launched by Professor Ittademaliye Indasara Thero, the Vice Chancellor of the Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka.

A public talk will be given by Mr Madawala Hemananda on the subject of “Quantum Theory and Buddhism”. The launch ceremony and public talk will be held on 28th October 2010 at 6.30pm in the University Chapel which is in The Square or can be accessed from the West Quadrangle. (Map here:

The talk by Mr Madawala Hemananda is based on his recently released book which looks at the similarities between Quantum Theory and Buddhism. He will discuss the subject of the Quantum Vacuum, Consciousness and Buddhism and look at recent discussions which have taken place in relation to the question “is there a God?” and how in Buddha’s time he was asked the same question to which he replied “there was no beginning and no end”. Mr Hemananda states “Without consciousness man would merely be a lump of flesh and bone, but consciousness itself cannot be quantified. In a similar way the Quantum Theory discusses an open space where energy comes from and goes to. No one fully understands it, yet everyone knows it exists!”

I hope that you will be able to join us at the launch ceremony and talk.

Tea and coffee will be provided on the evening and the event should close around 7.30pm.

Can you please confirm by 24th October 2010 if you will be able to attend as places are limited for the event. RSVP

Yours Sincerely

Ven. K. Rewatha Thero
Dr. Kenneth Hutton