Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Rains Retreat 2012 අයන් වස්සාන කාලෝ

It is time to invite the Resident Monks to observe the Rains Retreat for this year as "Wassana" (Rains Retreat) is starting from the Full Moon Poya Day (Adhi Esala Poya) on the 1st of August.
We have two new Monks from Sri Lanka hoping to reside for a longer term in the Vihara.
Ven Mathugama Palitha Thero is from Bellana Pirivena, where Ven Rewatha Thero hails from.
Also we have Ven Denagama Dhammarama Thero from Katta Kaduwa Vihara in Thangalla.
Please note the following programmes and we are expecting your participation.
The invitation for the Rains Retreat
- Wednesday, 01st of August at the Vihara at 07:30 p.m.
Monthly Sil programme
- Saturday, the 04th of August at the Vihara, starting at 09:00 a.m.
All are welcome !
Thank you.
With Metta
Scotland Buddhist Vihara